Social Meeting This Tuesday
My Brothers, Just a reminder that our social meeting will be this Tuesday, October 23rd at the Chapel (8pm). We are hoping that our...
Business Meeting Tomorrow
Gentlemen, Hope to see you at our business meeting. It will be at the chapel at 8pm. If you haven't come in a while, stop by and say...
Business Meeting Today
My Brothers, Today is our Business Meeting Today at 8pm in the Chapel Auditorium. Hope to see you there. Vivat Jesus, Manny
Knight Of Columbus Men's Retreat
All are welcome.
Business Meeting Tomorrow
Gentlemen, Hope to see you today. If you haven't come in a while, stop by and say hello and see what is going on with the council. I am...
Social Meeting Tomorrow
My brothers, We have our Social Meeting tomorrow. Hope to see you. Stop by and see what we have going on. 8pm at the Chapel Vivat Jesus,...
Degree Cancellation
Brothers, This Tuesday's Degree Ceremony has been cancelled due to the incoming Nor'easter. I had rescheduled our Business Meeting to the...
Social Meeting Tomorrow
Brothers, Just a reminder that we have our Social Meeting tomorrow at the chapel. It will be at 8pm. Hope to see you there. Manny Grand...
Maureen Nolan Scholarship Update
All, Just a reminder that the deadline for the Maureen Nolan / St. Thomas Knights of Columbus Scholarship is February 18th. The date that...
Social Meeting Cancelled
Brothers, Just a reminder that there is no Social Meeting Tonight. May you all have a healthy and a happy new year. Please do not forget...