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Grand Knight

George Nieves

The Grand Knight presides over all meetings and is tasked with enforcing the rules and regulations of the Council and the laws of the order, and is chairman of the Board of Trustees.  He appoints all directors and committee members.  He acts as chaplain in the absence of the regular chaplain.  He countersigns orders drawn and signed by the Financial Secretary.  He is responsible for the overall success of this council's activities.



Deputy Grand Knight


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The Deputy Grand Knight presides in the absence or inability of the Grand Knight and executes all the duties of the said Grand Knight.  He shall perform such other duties as the Order may impose.  The Deputy Grand Knight handles all the service director reports at the monthly meetings.  He calls upon each director in turn and listens to their report and offers suggestions and comment. 





Michael Burke

The Chancellor assists the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in the performance of their duties and will take charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both.  He is charged with the total participation of the members in the activities of the council.  With the approval of the Grand Knight, he shall institute a program to develop the availability and interest of the members in the specific activities of the council.  He shall exercise a special interest in new members and those who are sick or in distress.  He is also in charge of member retention.




Lael A. Von Elm

The Recorder is assigned the task of keeping a true record of the doings of this council upon books approved by the Board of Directors and furnished by the Supreme Secretary.  He records minutes of each meeting and publishes same.  He will also conduct all correspondence of the council and perform  such duties as the council may direct. 



Joseph Ardito

The Advocate is the attorney for the council.  The Advocate will advise the council in all matters that require legal clarification.  The advocate will be the counsel is case of trial and investigation of any matter whatsoever pertaining to the council. 





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The Treasurers job responsibilities include being the custodian of all funds of the council.  He shall pay to the Supreme Council all money assessed by it or the Board of Directors.  He shall pay all orders drawn on him which are signed by the Financial Secretary and countersigned by the Grand Knight.  He shall keep separate accounts for all moneys placed in his hands by his council or the officers thereof and shall plainly show at all times the amount of money in the general expense of the council and the amount of money in each and every special fund.  




Jean Baptiste-Carelus

The Wardens duties include being present at all meeting and having the meeting place arranged and prepared.  He shall be in charge of all council property, except money and account and record books, and keep same in proper condition for the meeting of the council.  He shall instruct his guards in their duties. 



Inside Guard

Richard Ceravolo

The primary duty of the inside guard is to monitor the door to the council chamber during business meetings and admit only those with a current membership card.  He may be called upon from time to time to maintain order during the meeting as requested by the Grand Knight.



Outside Guard

John Mostyn

Like the Inside Guard, the primary duty of the Outside Guard is to assure that only those persons in possession of a current membership card are allowed to enter the council chambers during a meeting.  He, too, may be called upon form time to time to maintain order during the meeting as requested by the Grand Knight.



1st Year Trustee

Rich Laws

2nd YearTrustee

Patrick Lehane

3 Year Trustee

Chris Vella

The trustees serve as the "watchdogs" of a council's assets.  Assets include membership as well as finances.  The duties carry responsibilities that go well beyond the few sentences contained in Section 145 of the "Charter, Constitution and Laws."  The major thrust of this section is that the trustees shall exercise close supervision of all council financial matters, and they shall audit the council accounts semi-annually.  Therefore, the trustees are urged to fulfill faithfully the obligations they agreed to undertake when they accepted election and were installed.

Manny has been a Member of the Knight since 2013. He is also a Member of the Parish Council and is a Eucharistic Minister. He wife's name is Haydee, and they have two sons, Brandon and Manny Jr. He is an Executive Director for Oppenheimer and Company and has worked there for over 20 years.



Financial Secretary


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The Financial Secretary is responsible to collect and receive all moneys due the council, and all funds received from any source.  He keeps an account of the indebtedness of each member and each certificate holder and the amount received from each.  He keeps a roll of the membership and certificate holders, their ages, residences and occupation, with date of initiation.  He notifies the Supreme Secretary of the names and addresses of all council officers.  He keeps the seal of the council and affixes same to all proper papers.  


Monsignor John Alesandro

The Chaplain's duties are to conduct all religious exercises for the council, including opening and closing prayers at meetings.  The council looks to the Chaplain for spiritual example and guidance. 


Monsignor Alesandro, originally from Woodhaven, New York, graduated magna cum laude from the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, as well as being educated at North American College, Rome (completing his Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Gregorian University cum laude in 1967) and was ordained to the priesthood in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome on Dec. 17, 1966.


After serving as associate pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in West Hempstead, Father Alesandro returned to Gregorian University, Rome to pursue a doctorate in Canon Law, which he received summa cum laude in 1971. Upon his return to the Diocese of Rockville Centre, he was named vice-officialis of the diocesan Tribunal. He was appointed vice-chancellor for the diocese in 1974 and chancellor in 1978. In 1980, he was named an honorary prelate to Pope John Paul II, with the title "Monsignor."


Monsignor Alesandro is a treasure for us here at St. Thomas the Apostle Church.



The lecturer is appointed by the grand knight to provide both educational and entertaining programs to the council. He is responsible for the 'Good of the Order' portion of council meetings. In order to provide members with informative and educational programs, he must be knowledgeable and aware of all council programming. 

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