Wreath Sale

We will be having a Wreath Sale next week at all masses. We need volunteers to man at all the masses. If you will be going to a certain mass, please help out with the effort.
5:00pm CHURCH (Saturday) Michael Burke 7:30am CHAPEL Michael Burke Chris Vella 9:00am CHURCH Rich Laws
Larry Doyle
Lael Vonelm 9:30am CHAPEL Chris Vella 10:30am CHURCH
Lael Vonelm 11:00am CHAPEL Chris Vella
Ken Lopez 12:00pm CHURCH 12:30pm CHAPEL Michael Gugliemi Chris Vella 6:00pm CHURCH
I need to make sure that we have enough people to man the tables for these masses. Please reply and let me know if you can be there to help out.
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Vivat Jesus,
Manuel Torres
Grand Knight
St. Thomas the Apostle Council No. 11588
West Hempstead, New York 11552